Saturday, July 31, 2010

Joan: Priorities and Packing

When you move into a new place what is the first thing you should do? Some say clean, others recommend unpacking. A particularly paranoid friend said to check Megan's Law (not a bad idea, gotta be aware of those UnSubs...) These are all fine ideas, but it's me. You know what I did. I put on my walking shoes and canvassed the neighborhood for all the takeout menus I could find. Now before you judge me, this was the state of my new fridge:

Grim. As much as I love ice cream, I definitely needed something more.I think the gastro gods were smiling down on me because it turns out there is this fantastic neighborhood Italian place right around the corner. I ordered their lunch special, a Frutti Di Mare salad. Usually salads are my worst enemy (all that useless lettuce!!) but this place wins major points for their perfectly sparing use of endive and arugula topped with red and yellow bell peppers and plently of calamari, shrimp, clams, mussels, and scallops.

And the dressing. This dressing needs to go on EVERYTHING. It looks like melted butter but it's actually a lemon vinagrette. They also included complimentary baguette bread and this delicious dipping sauce with chopped/pureed olive in it. Mmmmmmm...

Now being the wino that Laura thinks I am, I also stopped to get a bottle of wine to celebrate my salad. Problem #1. Everything is still packed away. Thank god they gave me that wonky fork.

Problem #2. I may have had too much fun labeling the boxes to actually pay attention to what was going inside, because in the box labelled "wineglasses", this is what I found:

Nail polish, jewelry, and a MARACA. Fortunately the wineglasses were found in the makeup box...but how did the maraca end up in either of those boxes??? Moving mysteries, love it.

I'm in LA! Now to find MGG...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, poor little empty fridge! I hope you fill it up soon :-) I'm almost embarassed to show you mine (stuffed to the limit LOL).
