Thursday, March 11, 2010


Matthew couldn't join us for dinner...but we made it work.

Don’t let the salad pic fool you, there are birthday shenannigans contained in this video.
(UGH. Is this what my voice really sounds like?)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mission: don’t get arrested

I mean, it’s probably not illegal…right? And we only need a getaway driver because we might be too paralyzed by laughter. Or horror. Does making someone suffer secondhand embarrassment count as a crime? Oh God, there will be video proof, we won’t even be able to deny the crazy.

Stay tuned everyone.
…and on a completely related note, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTHEW!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Laura: Naglee Park Garage

I was extremely sad that I didn’t get to watch one of San Jose’s best kept restaurant gems Naglee Park Garage make its premiere on Food Network’s Diners, Drive-In’s, & Dives. The segment showed their mouth watering burger, yummy brussel sprouts* w/ lemon, and their homemade ketchup! Joan and I LOVE this place!!! I pretty much verbal Yelp it to everyone I come in contact with. It’s very tiny, very real, and now I bet very very busy. I would imagine Matthew Gray Gubler himself would rendezvous here (had to work the MGG angle in somehow ,right?). If you live around this area you need to visit and see what the big deal is about.
* Yes I, brussel sprout hater forever, think these little monsters are delicious. My mom thanks you Naglee!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Laura: We clearly aren’t Matthew’s biggest fans (well, maybe just in the bay area)

While I was browsing some chic editors fashion month attires on fashion spot I discovered that Monsieur Gubler has his own stylish thread on FS! Whattttt!!!! How did I not know of this? It’s pretty long too. ATTN JOAN: Maybe we could be doing more, maybe we should have known about this, maybe we need to be on top of our MGG game from now on. Kidding aside, sort of, I think it’s pretty awesome that he is featured on that site because lets face it the guy dresses sharp and effortlessly. I didn’t have a chance to look through the whole thing but its a nice place to visit for a MGG fashion time line. Also, I would like my own thread on there too. Dear fashion spot…